Archive for Março, 2014

[squares and rectangles]

Jan Dibbets: Perspective Correction (1968)


Jan Dibbtes: Perspective Correction, My Studio I, Square on Wall (1969)


Fernando Calhau: S/ título, # 99. Materialização de um quadrado imaginário (1974)


Malevich: Quadrado Branco (1912)


        John Pfahl: Pink Rock Rectangle, Artpark, Lewiston, New York (1975).

Da série: Altered Landscapes (1974–1978)


Gary Hill: Black White Text (1980)

Voice: “Rectangle”, “Rectangle”, “within a rectangle”, “the frame of reference within a rectangle” (…)


Desconstrutivista avant la lettre (Buster Ghery)

Buster Keaton e Edward F. Cline: One week (filme de 1920)

Frank Ghery: “Dancing House”, edifício da Nationale-Nederlanden, Praga (1996)

Frank Ghery:  Stata Center, MIT, Massachusetts (2004)


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